
What is the cause of insomnia during pregnancy?

The cause of insomnia (insomnia) in pregnancy can be a changing endocrine system as well as alertness and thoughts and dreams about your health, childbirth and upcoming parenting. During your pregnancy you sleep a little lighter than usual anyway. But you may also want to sleep more, especially in the first trimester. Also, blue light and discomforts like a large abdomen that gets in the way when turning, having to urinate at night, back pain, oncoming heartburn and nausea can affect your sleep cycle. In the third trimester, your body also makes extra progesterone. This pregnancy hormone acts as a natural sedative and can cause drowsiness, which may disrupt your day-night rhythm. Or maybe your baby is awake in your belly at night and so are you! In any case, many women face reduced sleep when they are pregnant. As a result, you are often a bit more tired than usual during your pregnancy.

What to do against insomnia during pregnancy?

In order to start your delivery as fit and rested as possible and to feed yourself and your baby energetically, adequate sleep with at least a REM phase is important. What is sufficient varies from woman to woman. Even with a few fewer hours you can still feel energetic. To support yourself, you can look for ways to balance body and mind. Therapeutic massage, ample breathing, tai chi exercises and natural nutrition contribute to a good night's sleep. You can contact me for this practice. Taking the hypnobirthing pregnancy course also contributes to a calm pregnancy for you and your baby. This is because you prepare positively for childbirth, you learn to deal with restless thoughts and you train your body-mind connection. Be welcome!

Do you have supplements, suggestions or questions about natural remedies for pregnancy ailments or do you want to make an appointment? Send an email to or call 06-40143722.

Most women experience pregnancy ailments during pregnancy. By taking good care of yourself you get through your pregnancy as energetically and balanced as possible and you suffer as little discomfort as possible. This post is part of an overview of frequently asked questions about mild pregnancy ailments and the natural ways to relieve them. If you have anxiety or extreme cases, contact your obstetrician.