Understanding and supporting your cycle

Menstrual complaints such as PMS can significantly affect several areas of life. The menstrual cycle is a beautiful natural cycle, where the waves of ebb and flow hold a lot of energy and wisdom. Also, the menstruation cycle can potentially flow without too many physical and mental problems. At least, if you understand your menstrual cycle and adjust your life accordingly. But for many women with western lifestyles, this is not obvious.

Fortunately, menstrual complaints are often quite easy to relieve in a gentle, natural way. The blockage is then lifted at a deep level and the energy starts to flow again. With this, the complaints can balance out after a few appointments and you can be more vital and resilient in life. Read more here about what this complementary therapy for menstrual complaints at Natural Waves looks like and how these consultations can help you further.

Overcoming menstrual problems naturally

Naturally relievable menstrual symptoms include sore breasts, irregular cycles, mood swings and clotted, painful periods. Here the menstrual complaints you can turn to Natural Waves for:

  • PMS
  • PCOS
  • Dysmenorrhoea (menstrual pain & menstrual cramps)
  • Hypermenorrhoea (heavy and long bleeding )
  • Amenorrhoea (stopping bleeding)
  • Irregular cycle
  • Short or long cycle
  • Endometriosis

Natural menstrual support

Your (dis)balance is therefore the starting point for naturopathic support. The approach is therefore truly personalised, tailored to you as a person, with methodologies like reflexology, Ayurveda and moxibustion. I support you during three menstrual cycles with treatments for optimal effect, in the phases of your cycle that are relevant to you. The integral working method includes:

  • Enabling the female energy to flow in a way that is right for you
  • Balancing the endocrine system, reproductive system & supporting body systems with foot reflexology and moxa on specific acupressure points. Direct moxa can work even at deeper levels than acupuncture.
  • Applying holistic knowledge about fertility and your menstrual cycle
  • And at the same time working with personal nutrition and lifestyle advice (including herbal remedies).

What is the holistic meaning of menstrual discomfort?

With my treatment plan, I start listening to your body with you. What signals is your body giving you with your menstrual symptoms and what does that have to tell you? What invitation about your situation in your life lies underneath? Do your attitude, lifestyle and relationships fit you as a person? With little or big changes, menstrual symptoms may stay away or diminish even in the long run.

The importance of feminine energy for your cycle

With menstrual problems, oftentimes there is an imbalance between masculine and feminine qualities. In our busy society, the feminine qualities are regularly underplayed. Then the question is how to bring these back to the surface so that you experience more balance. In what ways can you be softer to yourself? Answers to this question may vary from person to person. In general, it means making more space for your intuition, the softness, being present in your body and being aware of your feelings and sensations. At Natural Waves, I will provide directions and guidance, based on what your body has to say.

The feminine in TCM and Ayurveda

According to Eastern health knowledge, a balanced menstruation is painless and calm. TCM and Ayurveda both look at the qualities present in your life. In Ayurveda, the term “Yin” is not often used because it comes from Chinese medicine and philosophy. However, we can draw parallels between the principles of Yin and Ayurveda to get a better understanding.

Although Ayurveda and Chinese medicine have different frameworks and terminology, both systems emphasise the balance of energies in the body to have a healthy, easy menstrual cycle. Understanding the principles of femininity in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine can help balance energies that are involved in menstrual complaints. They also play an important role for your fertility.

Yin in Chinese medicine

Represents darkness, passivity, coldness, stillness, femininity and substance.

Associated with qualities such as receptivity, intuition, nurturing and introspection.

Yin energy is nourishing, cooling and helps restore balance.

The feminine in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Yin is the closest to the Kapha dosha, which shares qualities such as heaviness, coolness, moisture and stability. Kapha regulates structure, lubrication, nutrition and stability in the body.

Many women with menstrual complaints benefit from boosting the qualities of Kapha dosha, but there can also be too much of it. So the question is to what extent this is an issue with you, is there a deficiency, an excess or are you exactly balanced? For example, an imbalance in Kapha can lead to problems like lethargy, weight gain, constipation and attachment. Menstrual complaints associated with Kapha dosha are PCOS and above-average long cycles.

Transforming menstrual symptoms

After a series of sessions, it often becomes clear what it was that was stuck. Symptoms often diminish, while at the same time you become more open and sensitive to your inner world and are able to experience emotions such as anger, sadness and joy (as well as love) more deeply. This means that a transformation is set in motion, the energy starts to flow and you are able to make changes in your life. These can be big or small, almost imperceptible differences, ranging from changes in relationships and jobs or changes in attitude. By being in life in a different way, you may begin to experience more joy and vitality, and menstrual complaints may shift more into the background.

N.B. For severe menstrual complaints, I recommend visiting the GP first. I can also refer to the GP after the anamnesis.

Marise Bout hypnobirthing teacher dutch english

✓ Qualified complementary therapist with Basic Medical Knowledge

✓ 8+ years of experience

✓ Personalised approach tailored to you as a person

✓ Holistic approach with a toolbox full of naturopathic methods

✓ Partial reimbursement from supplementary insurance often possible