Moxibustion for breech babies


Moxa stimulates the turning of a breech baby and eases the body and mind before and after pregnancy. Moxibustion or moxa therapy comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). 

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How does moxa work for a breech baby?

This treatment creates extra warmth in the uterine area, inviting the baby to turn. The acupuncture point on the foot is connected to the reproductive system via the meridians. The first acupuncturists in China first treated pregnant women with moxa as early as 3,000 years ago.

When can moxa be used for breech birth?

To boost the chances of a breech baby turning spontaneously, the mother can be treated with moxa from week 32- 33 until the 36th week of pregnancy. This applies to both a perfect and imperfect breech presentation. After week 36, there is less and less room in the uterus for the baby to turn and the chances of the baby turning by itself become increasingly smaller.

Benefits of spinning baby with Moxa

The moxa caused movement in the abdomen, and relaxation in me. For a while it seemed that the baby was still breech which meant I was scheduled for a version. But when we got to the hospital for the version, the baby had already turned on its own and we were able to go home.


Stats breech position

In the Netherlands, an average of 25% of babies are in breech position at 30 weeks, by week 36 this has dropped to 3-4%. Ultimately, around 8,000 babies a year are born breech, of which almost 80% are born by caesarean section.

Safety mother and child

Treatment with moxa for breech presentation is safe for you as a pregnant woman and your baby. The effect is gentle and grounding. The warm moxa stick is always held at least 1 cm from the skin, so never touches the skin. So the skin cannot burn. As a professional therapist, I am trained and experienced in working with moxa and make sure that you too can do this yourself safely at home. Before the consultation, I also exclude any contraindications via an online intake. As a Hypnobirthing teacher, I can also give you extra tips and a hypnobirthing exercise to add extra power to the treatment.

More uses of moxa

Moxibustion can also be used at other moments for women’s health. For example, it is used preventively to prevent or alleviate numerous physical and mental problems for conception. Think of cold problems in:


vrouw bloesem overgang litteken fertiliteit

What are the steps of the breech consultation?

After the consultation, you can get started yourself at home

1. Warming up the feet
I will treat the relevant acupressure point on your foot with moxa after an energetic foot reflexology massage.
2. Moxa at home
I will show you how to do it so that you and your birth partner can do it safely by yourselves at home. You will be given a set of smokeless moxa sticks to take home to repeat the moxa treatment yourself daily, for a period of up to 14 days.
Until the baby turns
If the ultrasound shows that the baby has turned to a head position, you can stop. If necessary, we schedule extra sessions to make even more room

I am happy to use my experience and expertise to support you.